Saturday, September 1, 2007

So - who needs to sleep anyway?

As you may have seen in Leanna's blog, school started this week. That also means that seminary started this week also. Once again I am teaching seminary - the Old Testament. We don't have "sissy seminary" here in Texas - we have Real Men teaching Real Seminary at 6 AM. Our ward has two teachers. I get mostly the Seniors and Juniors as well as one Sophomore who lives close - probably 8 total will normally show up. A good size class.

I find that every day there are three separate lessons - the one I prepare, the one I teach, and the one I wish I would have taught.

I've got another round the world trip coming up soon. (The bishopric has found a sub for me to teach seminary while I'm away.) I will be gone for three weeks this time, all of it in Asia Pacific. I will be in Mumbai, India (we called it Bombay when I was growing up), Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai (China), and Tokyo. I have to go to these cities to train users in our computer system. (Remember that I picked up some added responsibilities a few months ago? This is part of that responsibility.) I've been getting immunizations and arranging for pills so that I won't get sick while away. (Anyone care for a malaria tablet?) Working the visa applications for India and China is a hassle.

I will try to take pictures and post them on a web album. I will be gone from Sept 21 to Oct 13.

Between seminary and all the travel, I don't think I'll be getting much sleep for awhile....


Jon said...

You know, I'm pretty sure it's not possible to overdose on melatonin. Might as well put it to the test, eh? It's the same with a three week thing for us. Comcast had a scheduling issue(meaning they forgot they hired those new people who have only been there for seven weeks) so Crystal and I get 3 more weeks of getting up at 4am before they get things settled. I feel your pain!

bethany said...

I could send Jakson over-then you'd get even less sleep. He doesn't usually wake up at night, well for very long. At least once a night we are awakened by a blood curdling scream and then...silence. It's a little unsettling to say the least. Isn't Nambia or whatever where Angelina Jolie had her baby? I'm sure you are totally up on the celebrity news.

Jefferson said...

Just remember - Napoleon didn't need sleep either!

Now go conquer Asia!