Sunday, October 28, 2007

It is the Best of Times, it is the Worst of Times

We are having our two weeks of good weather in the fall. The evening temperatures are into the 50's. The daytime temps are in the low 70's. No humidity, bright sunny days. The weather is such that we want to leave our windows open all the time to get the fresh air. Mom and I go for a walk both Sat/Sun mornings just to enjoy the weather. It is the best of times.

The downside is that ragweed pollen fills the air and my eyes are dry and itchy. I am able to use a nose spray so that my sinuses don't give me a problem like when we first moved to Texas. But I have to be very careful to not touch my eyes or they really give me fits. It is the worst of times (at least for my eyes.)

I still have 15 days of vacation to take before the end of the year. We planned it out so that I am off every Friday for a half or a full day. This past weekend I used the time to take care of some necessary "honey-do's" that needed to be done.

We gave the two sofa's that were upstairs away to Salvation Army (the brown love seat and the white leather sofa). We also donated three old recliners to the SA. After I got back from my trip, Mom and I went shopping for some new furniture. We now have a nice leather sofa for the family room and two leather recliners for the master bedroom. Too bad our kids don't live close to us so that we could recycle our old furniture to them. (Maybe that is why they don't live close - hummm?)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

If it's Friday, this must be Singapore

I'm sitting here in the Singapore airport waiting for my next flight to Hong Kong. The business lounge has free computers for passengers to use, so I'll take a few minutes and just say hello to everyone. I'm halfway through my AP trip, and I'm looking forward to my return home. I was pleased to have Jonathan call me yesterday as I stood in line at McDonalds waiting for my breakfast. I talk to Mom every day since my cell phone is a world phone and is suppose to work everywhere.

I will spend this next week end in Hong Kong and attend church there. Regular services due the the time difference with General Conference. (I'm having trouble typing this note as some of the letters on the keyboard are in different locations.) Next Wednesday I fly to Shanghai - a new location for me.

I've been fighting a bug the past few days. (It better not be malaria!) One student I had this week told me as he shook my hand how he almost didn't come to the class because he had been sick, but didn't want to miss my training. I thanked him for his interest and discretely wiped my hand on my pant leg. :-)

I'll be sending out a letter of "AP Week Two" when I'm next in the office on Monday. My love to all.